Emmanuel House
Our Community
Emmanuel House is committed to cultivating community space for contemplative repose, urban agriculture, and arts events. We live in a historic “Tudorbethan” single-family home in Allston. Our shared life involves a morning prayer routine, and maintaining a community garden in out yard where neighborhood members are invited to relax, connect, and help themselves to the harvest.
Our Garden
The Emmanuel House Community Garden is a space of refuge, restoration, and nourishment for our community. Throughout the growing season you'll see residents and neighbors watering, weeding, and planting. All year round, you'll see folks enjoying this little green oasis in the midst of Allston. In our garden beds and in hosting community events, we grow with and for our neighbors. ​
Our Parish
Emmanuel House is affiliated with Emmanuel Church on Newbury Street in downtown Boston. Housemates have a variety of spiritual identities and backgrounds, but we are committed to mutual relationship with our parish. Emmanuel Church is a dynamic and diverse community that celebrates liturgy, music, and the arts. The church is committed to justice, peace, and the dignity of all people.
"Believing is not a condition of beloving or belonging here."
Our Network
We are a part of Creche, a non-profit network of intentional communities in the Boston area. All Creche houses share the infrastructure, support, and common mission of Creche, while living into their own unique community identities and neighborhoods.
Joining Emmanuel House
Joining our community is a process of mutual discernment between a prospective resident and the current house. This discernment process can take a few months, and involves getting to know the house as well as the parish. If you're interested in this process, contact Isaac Everett, Executive Director of Creche, to schedule an informational meeting: isaac@creche.community.